About PFRS
What We Believe
The Good News
Policy Information
Sharp's Rule

New Stuff! Check here for alerts when new material is added or
old material has been updated.
PFRS Topical Studies
In-depth topical studies include: The PFRS philosophy and methodology, Baptism, Chiliasm, The believer's Hope and Inheritance, Calvinism vs. Arminianism, Eschatology
& the Rapture, Eternal Security, the Doctrine of Christ, Discipleship, Persecution, & more...
PFRS Commentary
PFRS offers textual studies on many theologically significant passages of Scripture with the
hope that these will increase your understanding of God's Word and stir you to love and good works (Hebrews 10:24).
Media Room
Coming Soon! The "Media Room" is a collection of teaching videos currently being planned and produced. Planned series include Do It Yourself
Hebrew and Greek, the Doctrine of Persecution, Gospel Foundations, and several Book studies.
Coming Soon! The PFRS Blog is a periodic diary of our observations and thoughts on current events, the state of the church, and anything
else we think is noteworthy. It will be updated approximately whenever we get around to it.